MaPUI – HospiStock – Steering committee

The transmission and content of information about a drug shortage from a pharmaceutical laboratory to a hospital pharmacy are not standardized. The transmission methods are heterogeneous: fax, mail, Excel table, etc. and the information may be partial. In the absence of a standard, the increase in shortages has resulted in significant costs of processing this data by pharmacies for internal use and their purchasing groups.

In 2019, to respond to the challenge and improve the situation, the startup MaPUI Labs developed and deployed a first version (V1.0) of a module dedicated to processing information on drug shortage within hospital pharmacy and purchasing groups.

In 2020, in partnership with several groups, we are launching the “MaPUI – HospiStock” project, the objective is to co-develop, test, deploy and evaluate a version V2.0 of the drug shortage management module on the platform taking into account the needs in terms of:

  • quality of the data to be provided on supply disruptions by the hospital pharmacies coordinators and members of purchasing groups,
  • process of informing of a supply disruption between hospital pharmacies members of a purchasing group,
  • quality of the data to be provided on supply disruptions by a pharmaceutical laboratory,
  • process of informing of a supply disruption between hospital pharmacies and pharmaceutical laboratories.
  • AND based on national standards and national and European recommendations.

The estimated duration of the project will be 6 months from 10/30/2020.

Project partners :

  • Groupement Garonne (GCS Achats en Santé d’Occitanie)
  • Groupement Armor
  • Groupement Hauts de France
  • Groupement d’achat GAULoYS (Loire, Yonne et Saône)
  • Groupement régional Bretagne


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